Thursday, August 14, 2008

I wonder why...

When my mind starts asking too many questions, I get the strong urge to write. My hands ache to jot down each and every detail of the events that shape the questions in my head and all that which makes me wonder why...
I live in Melbourne, a beautiful city; a city known for its love for the arts. A few days ago when I was passing by the State library with a friend, we both noticed some colourful leaf and animal paper cut outs hanging from the thin, linear branches of a bare tree. Both of us found the installation a little ridiculous and we ended up having a discussion about why would anyone want to take away the charm of a bare tree,to burden nature with yet another souvenir of man's existence. We just dismissed the discussion with a single line "It's all in the name of art."
Please don't get me wrong I am an ardent art lover, I study design at University; it is what I enjoy the most. It is my academic learning that often propels me to question things. It is at one such Public lectures held by the School of Creative Media at RMIT where this question crept in my head again. The lecture was based on art and architecture linked to animals and insects; about the glorious designs of nature. All that talk about art, nature, excess and simplicity boiled down to one question what is it in us humans that makes us commission art projects, buy art, even though it is in fact "useless"; why does it resonate with our feelings, our mind, body and soul.
I wonder why...


Unknown said...

actually ppl do spoil a lot of things in the name of art but wat look weird to us may jus b their way of looking at things n i guess tat v need to live with!

Unknown said...

Interesting question… Just a thought - Perhaps it is because art reminds us of beauty/ passion/ love/ creativity etc, characteristics and things that many people don’t just dont have the luxury of possessing...especially in today's rat-race times???